·You can wrap on your own. But you also can partner with other men or women or groups in your area at morning services, making your community larger for the Wrap.
·Provide a small breakfast before the Wrap or serve refreshments afterwards.
·Schedule a speaker after the event that will attract more people.
·Have extra sets of Tefillin available for those who don’t have their own.
·Some may not be at all familiar with wrapping Tefillin. Be sure that some experienced wrappers are available to help. Click here to view and download the FJMC instructions for wrapping.
·Invite recent B’nai Mitzvah youth to join the Wrap.
·Be proud to join the thousands of Jewish men and women around the world who are wrapping tefillin with you this year on February 9th.
Questions? FJMC contact is ; Masorti Olami contact is