Club Registration

Wrap,  Wrap,  Wrap……….……….they call me the Wrapper♬♫

WWW2024 will soon be here – Sunday, February 11, 2024!


Hoping the WORLD WIDE WRAP will be in-person for many of you. 
Of course, it can be done virtually if needed, and whether virtual or in person,
FJMC has created an entertaining and educational *** WWW ’22 Video ***  for you to use!   
Download the video and have it on the ready during your Wrap program.

First things first, register for the Wrap, if you haven’t already!
Use this link to access the Official WWW registration page of the FJMC.
Remember, you must register for the World Wide Wrap to qualify as a Quality Club!
One must log in to register for the 2024 Wrap. 
Club presidents or your committee chairs should log on to the site and register now! 
Please make plans for a meaningful Wrap in-person or in-line!